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U.S. Income and Poverty Maps

 Poverty Rate, Persons of All Ages, 1999
Description: Percent of persons (for whom poverty status has been determined) below the poverty level by state, 1999.
Format: Color, 8.5" x 11", landscape.
JPEG    63 kb
PDF    144 kb
Data Source: U.S. Census Bureau, 2001.
Order Code: US-IP001

 Poverty Rate, Persons of All Ages, 1999
Description: Percent of persons (for whom poverty status has been determined) below the poverty level by county, 1999.
Format: Color, 11" x 17", landscape.
JPEG    199 kb
PDF     304 kb
Data Source: U.S. Census Bureau, 2001.
Order Code: US-IP002

 Poverty Rate - Persons of All Ages, 1998
Description: Poverty Rate for persons of all ages for whom poverty status has been determined, 1998 by county.
Format: Color, 11" x 17", landscape.
JPEG   335 kb
PDF    304 kb
Data Source: U.S. Census Bureau, 2000.
Order Code: US-IP003

 Poverty Rate - Persons Under 18 Years of Age, 1998
Description: Poverty Rate for persons under 18 years of age for whom poverty status has been determined, 1998 by county.
Format: Color, 11" x 17", landscape.
JPEG   336 kb
PDF    304 kb
Data Source: U.S. Census Bureau, 2000.
Order Code: US-IP004

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